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Using dataloggers to collect site specific weather information





Peter de Bruijn (Lead)

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Advisory Member(s):

Wind events are the primary cause of wildland fire blow-up situations. In the absence of wind, instances of wildland fire blow-up conditions have been correlated to the occurrence of super adiabatic lapse rates. Temperature lapse rate data are used little in Canada because of the coarseness of data collection points; there are only four such collection locations in British Columbia with twice daily measurements. The Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) network has greatly increased the ability to obtain more relevant local weather information. However, because distances between individual stations can still be in excess of 100 kilometres, potentially important information of actual local conditions cannot always be captured. The USB-502 data logger can be used to give ready access to more localized and timely information, which has been a longstanding desire expressed by fire managers.

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