Steven Hvenegaard (Lead)
University of Alberta
University of Toronto
Alberta Forestry, Parks and Tourism
Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources
Mulching is often used as fuel treatment along linear corridors such as hydro line rights of way in forested areas to reduce the potential of line contact with vegetation and convert the fuel loading under the hydro lines and structures to a less flammable state.
Research and documentation of fire behaviour in mulched fuel beds along linear corridors is limited. Even though there is general acceptance that mulching is an effective fuel treatment for reducing fire intensity, questions remain regarding the conditions under which mulched fuel beds will act as a fuel break or serve as a wick for sustained fire spread.
This project will study how mulched fuel beds in linear corridors respond to point source ignition (simulating ember transfer) or line ignition (simulating an approaching fire front). Experimental burns will be conducted under varying weather and fuel moisture conditions.